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Left Forum Panel 5: GEZI Resistance: New Forms of Institutions and Their Effects on Resistance
Left Forum Panel 2: Gezi Resistance: A blossomed creativity in revolutionary potential.
Left Forum Panel 6: GEZI Movement, Seyyar Forum and SOMA Coalmine "Disaster?": A New Politics of ...
Left Forum 2014, Independent Political Action in the Streets and in the Political Arena
Left Forum 2014, The Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory II
What's happening in Turkey? Gezi protests and the future (Trailer)
Left Forum 2016 - Cooperation Jackson: Countering the Confederate Assault & the Struggle for...
Is there hope for democracy in Turkey? - ISDP Forum
Echoes from Gezi Park. A panel discussion.
Connecting Resistances: Emancipatory Activism in West Asia, North Africa and Germany
Referendum over Istanbul development plan that's underpinned protests, reax
Where Is the Nation-Form? Social Communities between Religion, Populism, and Resistance